Adventures in LauraLand

Welcome to LauraLand. This blog documents my time living & working on the Thai-Burma border. The accounts on these pages are true & offer you, dear reader, the opportunity to be exposed to something likely foreign to your daily life. I encourage you to share this blog with others & thus do your part to carry the message of the inequity & human rights abuses that occur in such faraway lands like Burma. Thanks to AJWS & their support for my wanderings. Cheers to adventures and world change...

Friday, June 30, 2006

Small town girl in big citaaaay

Why hello smurfettes! I write to you briefly with an installation from Bangkok, where I am spending the weekend primarily buying books and other necessary materials for my class, and secondarily gorging myself on all the exciting ventures that a small-town existence filled with geckos and neighborhood kids doesn't have to offer (see also: delicious and varied food, and wine that doesn't taste like cat throw-up). Flash forward to July 5. I have just a few moments to impart portions of this wonderful life to you as I am madly preparing for class and am doing so with limited internet time today. I've been slowed a bit by a cold I picked up in Bangkok, and now, while I have recovered am muddling through the work pile-up that accumulates from vacation and then a night off for sleeping and nose-blowing. I must say that yesterday, July 4th, brought a dull ache for America to my stomach. Strange for someone who is not opposed to criticizing the country at every chance she gets, yes, but I must say I missed the parades and fireworks and informal beer and hotdog fests that line every backyard as you drip sweat and chat with new and old friends.

We celebrated here with a day of lessons devoted to the good ol' U.S.A., in which I spoke of independence, Tea Parties in Boston, "the British are coming," and more. We topped off the day with a lesson in making none other than PB and J sandwiches, and eating watermelon.

Anyhoo, off to lesson plan. More to come shortly. Photos will soon appear as well.



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