These vagabond shoes...
Please find my student's words below. These are excerpts of their journal entries after a human rights/ women's rights training a few weeks ago.
Happy holidays to all and here's to enjoying your snow/cold/wind/sun/heat/rain/waves wherever you vagabond shoes take you...
:) Laura
From HJ:
Some interesting thing I learned in the third day is the 30 point of human rights. I do not know before every human has 30 point of human rights, because we do not live in a democratic country. I want to feel all of rights just like different countries in my life. I felt sad during training because although we are human we have no rights as other people.
This part is very important for me because we should know our rights. If we know about human rights more and more we can defeat the military government.
From KS:
I learned about the women's rights. Because human beings include just men and women, the people who against women must be men. Therefore men should understand women.Most men ask why we need to establish special rights for women. Actually, they ignore discrimination between men and women. Women should have the same rights as men, such as the rights to vote in an election and to be assigned to a committee of lawmakers, the power to dissolve the governing responsibilities, full independence in deciding all court cases, and no discrimination on account of sex. Women also have equal rights to work and receive the same salary.Women should have a chance to find education and economic benefits.
I felt interested and excited to learn all these things.
This is very important not only for me but also for women all over the world. All women should know women's rights and so should men. Then all women must try hard to gain our rights and what we really need.
At 11:23 AM,
frank landfield said…
awesome. company is coming your way soon. we all had fun here in the desert. i'll send some pics. happy holidays. much peace and love.
At 11:24 AM,
frank landfield said…
just had to be the second comment.
At 2:04 PM,
janessa said…
happy holidays, baby! i wish i had a teacher as cool as you when i was your students' age. much love.
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